This Red Castle Quests mini-campaign runs for 5 sessions and will level up your character from 1st to 4th level. 5 players maximum. You must be 16+ to attend.
Session Dates: 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22
Time: 6:30pm
For players who like classic fantasy, Robin Hood, tarot reading, The Last Unicorn and lots of exploration!
You recently joined up with a mysterious troupe of performers known as the "Celestial Carnival". Despite it's fanciful name, the wagons are decrepit and the pay is terrible. When the carnival is hired to perform for a wealthy and powerful duchess, it seems like your luck may have finally changed.
Will this be your big break, or are more sinister motives at work behind the scenes? Sign up to find out! This is an intro campaign to 5E Dungeons & Dragons for 1st level characters.
Players will create their 1st level characters as a group during the first session on January 25th. A set of dice is required to play.